Monthly Archives: February 2011

Worlds Merging

Friends in a meeting
Time zipped by, progress was made
Refreshing escape

Selling an Idea

The crafted vision
Landing the message feels grand

Destination Home

After a night out
Getting home is the best part
Wish there was more time

Missed Valentine

Monday Valentines
Night spent working, now packed week
Raincheck for date, please

Escape from Old Man Winter

First warm day this year
Spring day started the snow melt
Warmth is a coming


Kids busy with cards
Wedding pix off to get scanned
No use in a box

New Blackberry Day

Phone replacement day
My favorite phone retires
Blackberry Curve rocked

Time to Think about Thinking

Slivers of free time
Bring great insight to the lens
That filters our views

Couple Time on a Wednesday

Minidate snuck in
After a jumbled work day
Much needed life break

Late Night Reading

After my night nap
Pink and Csikszentmihalyi sparked
My mind and purpose