Monthly Archives: August 2011

Self-Promotional Actions

You chose from two roads:
Unified strategic thought
Or, selfish land grabs

First Day of School

A cautious entrance
Became “the best day ever”
Can’t wait for day two

Owen’s Bad Day

Kindergarten bound
Mishaps followed him all day
Patched for a fresh start

Back as a Family

Rounded up the kids
Pleasant start but time will tell
If peace will prevail

Return on Friday

Monday joined Friday
Combined yielded low standards
Goal was to show up

Kindergarten Visit

Cubby, hook, desk marked
A quick chat with the teacher
Then off to ‘Sconsin

Next Up: 3rd Grade

Back to the classroom
Checklist failed, chatting to do
The old gang is back

Flowing through Tuesday

Less haze than Monday
Bonus of a mock-Friday
Next up – 2 kid days

Monday Date Night

As we walked Uptown
Perimeter extended
Newness encased us

Raking in August

Cleaning up acorns
Bombing by angry squirrels?
The yard is covered