Monthly Archives: December 2011

Visiting from Oakland

Afternoon chatter
Reminded me of a time
When we just hung out

Next Round of Neighbors

Met our new neighbors
Just a few feet divide us
House draws good people

Budding Tradition

Family time break
A few drinks out then back home
Relish yearly groove

Burning Hours

A late start kicked off
The day that drifted away
Retry the next day

Family Game Time

Around the table
We battled in Rummikub
Dined on chips and dip

Christmas 2011

The kids perch like birds
On shredded wrapping paper
Planning their next move

Christmas Eve

I shopped with my dad
One of the best traditions
Closed out night with friends

Early Christmas

A relaxed dinner
We chatted then attacked gifts
Did dishes at night

Vacation Grows

The kids were set free
They joined me on vacation
A few days to chill

Holiday Shopping Haze

Small shops beat big box
With doodads and dohickys
My spirit returns