Monthly Archives: February 2012

Conversation Hurdle

Catching up with drinks

The words initially flowed

Until speakers screamed

My Daily Path

I bounce through the days

Hitting walls and losing speed

But I need to bounce

Learning to Read

From letters to sounds

Then small words are sounded out

Unlatching the gate

Super Bowl 2012

Some prepped for the game

We explored the clearance racks

In deserted stores

Time by Myself

The house was quiet

I spun through the rooms until

Slowed by printed word

Friday Slips

Listless on the couch

Meetings pushed my escape time

A drink summoned sleep

Free Time at Work

White space in my day

I wandered around the cubes

Babbled away time

Happy Hour Cacophony

The corner table

Observing conversations

Noise shelters the words

Progressing the Workshop

A statement then check

Catching glances to align

Design the future