Monthly Archives: January 2013

Art Supplies

Gloppy paint bottles
Dried shape stamps and foam stickers
Cleared out for what’s next

Mom’s Birthday Gathering

Winter wind blew in
A day past her sixty eigth
Most of us were there

Friday Work

The door looked open
But that was at 4, at 6
I battled emails

Wind Down

Holes in my schedule
I melted to gooey glop
Tomorrow I think

Collapse with TV

Yes, tv is bad
But after working all day
It’s nice to just watch


We both walked away
From a network festering
With malicious air

Performance Calibration

It used to be war
Data bullets aimed at names
This year, it was math

Day of Rest

My Sunday stood still
It did not chase me around
It let me saunter

Puzzle Finish Line

Not enough pieces
Is what we were thinking but
They fell into place

Friday handcuffs

The company locked
All the seconds of my day
Then locked time tracking