Monthly Archives: November 2013

Files of Interest

Adam dove into
Tax docs like me with writing
Marital contrast

Flashback to Big Hair

A bar in the burbs
Played 1980’s pop schmaltz
I smiled, head hung low

Lowkey Day

It’s a quiet day
As we step through our task list
The air swallows sound

Animal Trick Birthday Dinner

The lobster took jabs
Before he was lulled to sleep
Balanced on his head

Spelling Test

He dug through his bag
Were there at least 10 correct?
Then he grinned – perfect!

Our Neighbor’s Mom

We met Saturday
By Sunday, she winterized
Our gaping windows

The Birthday Party Scatter

The boys ran their maze
With a pizza refuel stop
Seasoned pros at eight

IPad Day

It all seemed simple
Buy it and walk away, but
Then scant supply chain

Neighborly Halloween Visit

Passing out candy
Was not in their plan, but they
Stopped and we had beer