Monthly Archives: January 2014

Snow Aftermath

The polka dot sky
Fell to the ground in a clump
Digging out – my job

Stretching Out Lunch

We lounged as we ate
Talked books, life, family, work
Lingered more with beer

State of the Congress

They block and complain
Refuse to pass any bill
Who voted for them?

Another No School Day

Kids conned the weather
How else can they miss four days
In the year’s first month?

Book Barricade

Stuck at home, no car
Protected from winter’s blitz
I read Ulysses

Mechanic, Please

Turn the key, go home
Seems simple enough until
That darn key won’t turn

News on Holmes

We had suspicions
Could our neighborhood expand?
Yes, one day it will

No School Again

It’s sixteen below
The kids are tucked in sleeping
As the bus alarm rings

January Decisions

I drove past knowing
I need gas but it’s one out
I want my blankie

Book Choice

No TV, book time
Choose Dickens, Joyce or Borroughs?
Snatched by Dedalus