Monthly Archives: August 2014

Empty House

Two kids off at school
The hushed house rests in stillness
While cats gaze outside

School Season

School doors usher in
Intellectual New Year
Let the brain games start

Conversation Tool

Words hide missing facts
But piercing questions spotlight
The verbal antics

Sleepy Monday

Monday is the day
Where the alarm blast drags me
Through a nasty maze

First Day Home

Little kitten eyes,
My own bed and books in queue
Vacation must end

Vacation Plea

I try to stretch time
So vacation will not end
Work and school can wait

Parental Code Words

“Plan for light walking”
Which was code for 16 miles
In the DC heat

Paths to Education

Einstein’s shiny nose
People rub it to get smart
Do they read his books?

Roadtrip to Philly

Just a few hours drive
Brought us to a broken bell
And Cheez Whiz cheesesteaks

Soaked Tourists

We tried to save space
So raincoats were left at home
And we didn’t melt