Monthly Archives: May 2015

Summer Commute

People frolicking
Summertime show at the lakes
I watch from traffic

Verbal Turmoil

The day’s edge sliced me
Spinning words that peaked during
A fierce whiteboard brawl

Office Return

I was gone a week
But the gulp of vile coffee
Erased the time gap

March Returns

The sharp chill of March
Hid for weeks then wallops May’s
Sweaty, humid air

Art-A-Whirl 2015

The Art-A-Whirl streets
Yank crowds through eyes of artists
While local bands boom

The Week Ends

Suitcases lined up
Outside the conference room
Waiting to go home

Group Think

The work pack splintered
Regrouped in the hotel bar
And fixed my haiku

Work Relationships

Work spouse or boyfriend
Just friends from the other side
Litmus test, maybe

Another Reality

Heard of an island
By invite with unknown rules
Wait… happy hour tale

Midair Moment

Left work for more work
On a plane that carried us
Through fluffy white clouds