Monthly Archives: May 2015

Mother’s Day 2015

No wails of “I’m bored”
Eyes gaze upon works of art
Not on the exit

Skipping Chores

Sunny day bully
Making fun of cleaning day
And I fell for it

Remodel Teaser

Cooked boxed freezer food
To prep for kitchen demo
Future meals scare me

Spring Program 2015

Class after class sang
I grew anxious then noticed
A wild spinning clock

Cleaning Pass

A bloody thumb cut
From reckless can opening
Made kids dishwashers

Fast Track Day

Mean old rubber band
Snapped and hurled me through the day
Stopped cold by midnight

Weekly Reality

I have such high hopes
But Monday thinks otherwise
And sadly, I lose

Another Storm Passes

Weather must be scared
When it splits just to avoid

First Nice Saturday

After winter’s reign
The sun demands we go out
And breathe the fresh air

Friday Handover

The work bell had rung
And the weekend jumped forward
A new sprint begins