Monthly Archives: August 2015

Resume Chat

On the doorbell’s buzz
We hit play on our last chat
Such a drawn-out pause

Annoyed Pets

The cats are quite pissed
Bothered by the remodel
It’s time for charades

Evolution of TV

TV Stopped daily
Now it taunts me with options
Binging beats out sleep


Lunch with my mentor
Could have gone for five more meals
Untapped topics wait

Thank You, Jon

The candidates spew
From the Koch scripture but Jon’s
Authentic voice sparks

Remodel Spiced Dinners

Without a kitchen
Our dinners have been suspect
Then came our cheese plate

My Lake Walks

No matter what mood
The lake listens to my thoughts
Without assessment

Next Phase

With names in boxes
Time’s up for the consultant
Onward to what’s next

Heading Home But First…

We chilled in the room
Lingering in our last hours
Before we head home

Road Trip Final Night

Greeted with champagne
We lugged our musty beach clothes
From a week ago