Monthly Archives: September 2015

Vacation from Reality

In California
Caught up like we were at home
Without life’s constraints


I hoped time would stop
When I crossed the state line but
The clock ignored me

First Sit Down Meal

Our kitchen kickoff
A tablecloth on the floor
Surrounded by friends

Carnival Game Defeat

The exchange was made
Tee ball gun for four tickets
But one glass stood strong

Spendy Cat Room

As the kitchen takes shape
Each cat claims their own viewpoint
They think it’s for them

Kitchen Unpacking

The day stranded me
Holding scissors, I wondered
Why shelves don’t come lined

New School Year – Update

Just a few weeks in
The school is stacked with new tricks
Great start to the year

A Gift, A Task

With a bit of space
An idea peeked up and spoke
Must find it a home

Storm at 3 A.M.

An abrupt bedlam
The sky’s hoo-ha jarred the house
Sleep skittered and hid

Summer’s Rally

Our early autumn
Stepped aside and let summer
Throw fiery grenades