Monthly Archives: July 2020

Forced Staycaytion

With six states to go
Confined in Minnesota
A stay-at-home year

Harsh Reminder

Recall Presidents?
They calm, motivate, and lead
With their lucid speech

Early Choices

Our schools could open
If we test and slow COVID
Not by skipping steps

Bland Tuesday

A calendar check
How can it still be Tuesday?
Is Wednesday hiding?

College Search 2020

Emails and meetings
Fill the rising senior’s days
Remote college hunt

Pre-COVID reminders

Facebook reminds us
We used to take summer trips
Must thank Trump for this

Presidential R&R

President golfer
Plays with a little white ball
As country implodes

Person Woman Man Camera TV

Five word memory
That deserves a power grab
Or supervision

Road Trip Substitution

No road trip games now
We abscond to our backyard
Pretend it’s a car


What will break Congress?
Not pandemic, secret cops,
Bribes, lies, or caged kids