Monthly Archives: October 2020

Dragon and a Bug

Quiet Halloween
Except the two little boys
Picked cats over treats

What I did this week by Angie

I survived the week
By checking off the task list
OK, I skipped some

Republican Tyranny

Federal courts rule
Ignoring state voting rights
Terrified of votes

New Tech Rule

Start with no restore
It’s my technology purge
Digital cleanup

White House Stench

It’s like a sick game
They move their pieces in place
Then, project their crimes

Court Packing

The theft of court seats
By right wing extremist groups
Grasping bygone codes

Follow the Leader?

Science says mask up
Trump’s puppets wail freedom and
Pass COVID-filled snacks

2020 Cadence

COVID has saved time
No question of what to do
We always stay home

Uptown Trends

They are all lined up
This time it’s the Apple store
So what closes next?

Last Debate 2020

One candidate calms
While the conman bully lies
Bet people buy it