Monthly Archives: October 2020

Religious Excuse Removed

October shocker
Sure, Rudy’s schemes, but never
The Pope’s lucid stance

2020 Continues

October snowstorm
Another gift from this year
Two months more to go

2016 Rerun Burnout

With just two weeks left
Trump allegations bore me
“Lock him up, blah, blah”

Vacation Procrastination

Our normal Sunday
Woke us up with list in hand
We tried to hide it

Fall Break 2020

Family game day
Last fall break together
Let the fights begin

October 2020

Snow and sleet morning
Then social distance backyard
Minnesota now

Town Hall Divided

Two town hall debates
One that is presidential
One entertainment

Crossing the State Border

Visting parents
Feels like a COVID cheat while
Trump hosts maskless herds

Fall Break Starting Line

Midweek vacation
Leaving coworkers behind
As you sail away

Senate Dereliction

With no COVID plans
Moscow Mitch snubs his duty
To feast on judges