Monthly Archives: October 2020

Next Door Introduction

With a doorbell ring
Met our neighbor behind masks
Talked about Uptown

Saturday in October

Uptown vacation
Long walk with my Bobbsey Twin
Breaks COVID routine

Cover-up Continues

We pay for the tests
But Trump can block the results
Hide all evidence

Selective Rules

Watching Pence debate
Reminds me of the two rules
Hinged on your gender

President on Drugs

COVID relief blocked
After his free COVID care
Wait, now he wants it

It’s Trump’s COVID

He tears off his mask
Freely sharing his COVID
But not his treatment

Trump’s COVID Parade

The toxic patient
Has escaped the hospital
Risking hostages

Weekend in DC

Why am I watching
A Weekend at Bernies draft
With many rewrites

Denied Debate Games

A debate decline
Scared of being virtual
His shouting silenced

Full Moon Thursday

Must write a haiku
So I can crawl into bed
That sums up the day