Monthly Archives: November 2020

Wedding Anniversary

On our twenty-first
Scared the kids would be sent home
When I biffed check-in

Maddow’s Quarantine

The work week switched off
I watch authentic Rachel
Make her COVID plea


Cranky COVID mood
Husband reaching his limit
Misses travelling

Age Does Matter

A run with knee pain
Pulled muscle after dinner
Fifty-one is grand

Risk Mitigation

Last week’s workshop group
Now positive for COVID
We chose to stay home

A Year Unlike Others

This year’s photo book
Our road trip pictures replaced
With our year at home

Crime Hotspot

Another break-in
2020 in Uptown
Lake and Irving’s turn

Week’s End

Friday’s magic pen
Crossing out the week’s events
Drafts the weekend plans

COVID Dismissal

The virus speeds up
As the White House goes quiet
How about those votes?

Two Paths Diverged

Election now past
Trump cries foul and plans next scam
Biden builds his team