Monthly Archives: November 2020

Election Fiction

Denial badges
Held high by conservatives
They ignore vote counts

Republican Rules

Must be hard for Mitch
To pick which votes are valid
On the same ballot

Post Election

The Trump Show canceled
His groupies write fan fiction
I embrace more time

2020 Election Results

Biden Harris win
They push back an autocrat
He was playing golf

Our Guide

Steve and his big board
A khaki-clad math hero
With no sleep needed

4th Night of. the Election

Testing our patience
Not making obvious calls
Rule change from first night

Still Counting

3rd election night
County geography class
With some math thrown in

Election Day 2

Counting continues
Those ballots were our one job
It’s democracy

Election Night at Midnight

We wait while they count
Testing our impatient ways
Maybe tomorrow

2020 Election Eve

On election eve
A jittery nation waits
While plywood goes up