Monthly Archives: December 2020

Trump’s Priorities

Crisis solved by Trump
Classical buildings only
Death, hacks, crimes – who cares?

TV Time Travel

Christmas Vacation
Followed it with some Seinfeld
COVID era break

Lost Lame Duck

The White House madman
Stopped running the government
While he plans his coup

Friday Night Routine

The laptop closes
Work goes quietly on pause
While the couch calls me

Break is Near

My work felt like sleet
Pelting with jagged edges
I swatted and ran

Stamps, Please

Online stamps arrived
Holiday cards are en route
Sixteen day wait ends

COVID Car Symptom

I woke my car up
He threw an alarm at me
“The fuel is aged”

End of Game Diversion

What is Trump doing
While he screams about the votes?
Betting Vlad knows all

Hanukkah Dinner 2020

Started with brisket
Added latkes and challah
And there went the day

COVID Christmas Tree

Tall, skinny with gaps
Our tree stands proud, all dressed up
Waiting for Christmas