Monthly Archives: July 2021

Post Webex Recovery

From my last meeting
To a tiny corner couch
A deep sleep swan dive

Staring Down Tuesday

Laptop and car glass
That’s where I stared for a day
Wish it was a book

Monday Win

With dinner ready
As I sauntered in from work
Seemed picture perfect

Break in the Action

Sunday’s flurried tasks
Led us to a snack and drink
And there time slowed down

Just Before They Leave

On a sunny day
We purged kid school and art bins
Space reclaimed with guilt

Dorm Lottery

Her dorm assignment
And the extrovert questions
A dream single room

Working While Others Don’t

Hubby and a friend
Escaped work on a Thursday
I watched in time lapse

Home Alone

Just the cats and me
For about forty minutes
I spun, sitting still

Time Repairs

Friends gathered around
Yet missed wedding years ago
It keeps popping up

Pressure TV Watchiing

Our X-Files crusade
Finish before college starts
Seemed easy – it’s not