Monthly Archives: December 2021

Pets Always Win

During movie night
Sleepy cat claimed the corner
Of course, I let her

December Snowstorm

The snow looks pretty
In morning we will shovel
It will look like work

Work Outing

Football game blaring
Puts our catchup chats on hold
Vexed, I check the field

Work Theater

Before nine thirty
I watched his well devised plans
Crushed by two phone calls

Running Out the Clock

The court makes a choice
To slow down the legal clock
Keep stories alive

Early January

Haunting night music
Humming through the swaying trees
Windchill meets Monday

Holiday Countdown

Glued to my task list
I worked on holiday prep
Just a few more weeks….

Holiday Card

Our year on one-page
It’s my annual challenge
Let’s change it up

Friday Project

The clear page fills up
Between and during meetings
The weekend paces

A Netflix Find

Binged a Netflix show
I shut my laptop cover
And felt zero guilt