Monthly Archives: March 2022

Spring Expectations

A few weeks ago
Bundled for a winter walk
Now, we drive in rain

Opening Bell

My Monday meetings
Lectures in the obvious
Classic mansplaining

Cat Choices

As we dry our herbs
The cat starts her dill diet
We stop stopping her

Parenting Break

Dropped our youngest off
And retreated twenty years
Started our date week


Blanket, couch and cat
Drive me to a deep sleep nap
Missed TV Friday


Moments we connect
Pull us back from outside life
Feels like time pauses

Nightly Judging

The idea of treats
Lost on my food critic cats
Their ancestors scowl

Deja Vu

Chatted between songs
To cover copious thoughts
Our honed high school skill

Weekly Loop

The planning drowns us
It’s logistical Tetris
Every darn week

College Downside

Utter dejection
When we mentioned our spring break
She’ll be stuck in school