Monthly Archives: August 2022

New Complaint

Backyard lights bother
Neighbors whose bedroom faces
The opposite way

Hints in the Air

The night darkness creeps
Makes the calendar futile
I can feel fall’s march

August Politics

A fraction of votes
In my district’s primaries
Pick November’s wins

FBI Knocks…

Waiting for the spin
When their king’s castle is searched
For obvious crimes

August Treat

Summer’s heat wave left
The sun finds its hiding spot
Turns on the sprinkler

Art Fair Returns

The Uptown Art Fair
Brings back a shred of normal
To our lonely streets

Summer Nights

Our backyard magnet
Grabs friends and plunks them in chairs
Then bridges our lives

Work Games

We bicker like pros
Always improving our craft
Makes work feel like sport

Repacking Too Soon

Bags barely unpacked
The freedom of road trip space
Now airplane constraints