Monthly Archives: November 2022

The Weekly Pattern

Our Thursday cocktails
Either with or without friends
Makes me quite happy

Voting Pattern Breaks

The red wave sandbagged
While states continue to count
Democracy stands

Election 2022

A tale of two votes
Pro-choice or conspiracy
We wait for results

Election Eve 2022

On election eve
I have grown tired of the lies
No plans just venom

Annual Photo Book

Judging our photos
Picking remnants of the year
Cull the year’s story

Owen’s Birthday

Now he’s seventeen
And his world is opening
We bought him luggage

Week of Workshops

Crossed the week’s finish
With eyes on a midday nap
Then the emails clanged

Grabbing Fall

Snuck in one more night
Under the lights with cocktails
Why did the time flee?

Generational Progress

The tale of two screens
A room with Webex for me
Grauman’s for the kid

Feline Teeth

The cats lost some teeth
In the mobile dental van
A hard step forward