Monthly Archives: March 2023

Scheduling Woes

Normal hair salons
Are changing the rules we know
So…. good luck to you

TV Time Travel

Giggled on Monday
With no expiration date
Garry Shandling Show

Spring Fights Back

Spring offensive starts
On the winter battleground
Snow starts its retreat

Winter’s Control

We planned out the day
Art and food hall walking tour
Winter won, we drove

Decades Later

Failed writing cursive
Skill last seen decades ago
The nuns are dismayed

Hide and No Seek

The middle of March
And I’m tired of snow talk
Why is spring hiding?

Work Changes

Our one chair work life
Time walking to meetings missed
Now done with mouse clicks

Great Plans, then Mice

Midweek shopping works
Only when stores stay open
Past the supper hour

Monday Storytime

Her New York weekend
Snuck into our Monday night
The cat slept through it

Minneapolis March

Heard on Hennepin
Like a snow globe, it won’t stop
Winter is winning