Monthly Archives: April 2023

Morning Bolt

The email bomb drops
Next, we assess the damage
And line up talk tracks

Adam’s Free Day

A schedule-less day
From my list-making hubby
Was a true delight

Pre-Birthday Moment

We stole outside time
For an early happy hour
Just the two of us

Broken Toy

The very sad cat
Drags his broken toy to bed
Picks playing, not sleep

A Sunday in April

As college kid leaves
The cat turned toward evil
And then snow joins in

Neighbor Boys Visit

Caught up with the boys
Their early years spent next door
Now grow in time lapse

One Day in Spring

Minnesota spring
Day goes from summer to fall
All in a few hours

Patio Open

Birthday time is here
Friends outside to drink and toast
All in April heat

Annual Reset

Birthday traditions
A walk, writing, people time
I set new targets

Political Changes

The right’s rules do change
Freedom from masks and gun regs
Yet banned books, speech, meds