Monthly Archives: April 2023

Cat Birthday – #12

On their 12th birthday
The cats slinked away from us
Halfway through presents

Easter with Birthdays

On Easter Sunday
We rewrote menus and time
The dog smiled all day

1st Decent Spring Day

Our tasks shoved aside
Family time and spring win
As winter packs up

Power of words

Our words do matter
As the future feasts on them
And follows their path

TV Night with Cats

With birds on TV
The cat watched 70’s style
His nose on the screen

Still Waiting

I scan weather apps
Hoping to see proof of spring
While I scowl at snow

Judicial Progress

The Trump arraignment
Wisconsin judicial win
The slow wheels do turn

Bad Start

My Monday started
By stepping on the stealth cat
He sets a fine trap

April 2nd Tries

As spring tries again
Flooding the streets with meltage
Still looks like winter

Heavy So Heavy Snow

On April Fool’s Day
The snow clings to the shovel
As the sun marks time