Monthly Archives: August 2023

Hematite Benefits Lost

A new bracelet lost
Only worn for a few hours
In a tiny house

Last Senior Picture Night

Senior picture night
The kid difference is stark
Our last dismissed us

Meeting “Photo Bomb”

Dropped her off for school
Next, somehow, she reappeared
In my work meeting

New Cleanup Project

The process now starts
Switching social media
Much needed reset

Back to Baking

Back to the kitchen
After an unwelcome pause
I savor the craft

MN State Fair 2023

Back at the state fair
This time is with all of us
The magic returns


With fair tomorrow
We run our Friday night play
Alarm is laughing

Accent Approach

Sales training notion
Just teach the British accent
I think it might work

The Fix

The world spins a bit
And then your friends anchor you
Life’s chaos retreats

Lessons Learned

Political teams
People line up for their thoughts
It works on both sides