Monthly Archives: September 2023


Why make it so hard?
It’s movies, music, life chat

Friend Night

Talking with cocktails
We explore our winding trails
And dig for meaning

Who Elected Them?

Impeachment circus
With no evidence or crime
Ignoring their jobs

Quarter End Venue

Hubby’s work came home
His boss perched at the counter
The cat tries to help

Work Fiction

Character matters
No time or other excuse
Allows for mistruths

Perspective Pivot

On a fierce Monday
A glance at senior pictures
Bumped it all aside

Recovery Day

Played the catch-up game
I oozed into the round chair
At times goals mean pause

Countdown Ends

Ideas breathe fresh air
After a week of prep work
And friends that jump in

Friday’s Talk Track

Grand plans on Friday
That the next two days will crush
My moment of bliss

Kitchen Trips

My edgy workweek
Bleeds into night when I trip
On simple menus