Monthly Archives: February 2025

Trump-Zelensky Showdown

Child in the White House
Wanting a kiss on his ring
Very Putin-esque

Royal Rumble

There’s a coup right now
Led by two wannabe kings
Anyone notice?

No Role Musk

A guy with no role
Crashed the Cabinet meeting
In a baseball cap

Work Flurries

Day of swatting flies
Bolting from my email, teams
Did Dumas write this?

February Night Walk

Snow fades to water
Dumping sand, puddles, and mud
Air says, “follow me”

The Coup Continues

I peek at the news
Government wrecking ball swings
Where are the adults?

Errands in February

Temps climbed to thirty
After the deep freeze, we walked
Felt a hint of spring

The Week Ends

A Friday night nap
Muses a fruitful workweek
With dire news reports

Putin’s Toy

Putin’s master plan
Trump devotedly follows
His Russian asset

PowerPoint Ink Test

A PowerPoint slide
Turns into a
Rorschach test
It’s called “squid slide” now