Author Archives: angie

Early Adopter

I keep coming up with reasons that I don’t want an iPad. The story typically revolves around a closed system, no multitasking, high connectivity rates, etc. Here’s what I think is the real reason. I am tired of being the early adopter. I bought a Palm VII for portable internet connectivity in the 1999/2000 era. I bought the first color iPod that did music AND pictures. I bought a brick of a Windows laptop that was a tablet so I could draw with a stylus instead of a curser. Eventually, cooler gadgets came out, and I was stuck with the prototypes. I will somehow show patience with this one, so I don’t have the early adopter’s remorse.

2010 Goals

I could take the last two weeks of the year off to reset. It took me a while to get out of the normal schedule. Sadly, my sleeping never got back on track. I could only sleep 5-6 hours a night. I do need to get this back on track this year. This brings up the topic of my New Year’s Resolutions. I have had previous ones about writing more, cooking more, etc. This year, I am putting these goals on the back burner and focusing on some other things that might be in the way, as well as some that are continuing in previous years.

1. 2010 – the year of the declutter: We don’t have a lot of stuff, but we have enough where I can’t find things, driving me bonkers. I had a meltdown on New Year’s Day when I couldn’t find the sewing machine manual, and since I haven’t sewn since 7th grade, this was a big deal. I will go through every drawer, every bookcase, every box, every closet, and anything else I see. If things are broken, then they will be repaired. This effort also includes emails, digital files, and online presence (linked in, website, Facebook, Twitter). It’s a BAG,  but I need to start working towards it to stop wasting time and energy sorting through the muck.

2. Expand workout routine to include weights at least once a week. I started running two years ago. Last year, I added the My Fitness Coach for the Wii. I ended up the year doing these two things 4-6 times a week for 45 minutes each time. I usually work out at 5 a.m., finishing it before work. The last couple of weeks have been off quite a bit, but I did enjoy the break from the schedule. Once the work year starts, I’ll be on the treadmill of the daily routine. My stretch goal would be to do weights twice a week.

3. Use our media better. I want to compile a video recap of 2009 using the footage we shot last year. It may be a short recap, but I need to start somewhere. I also want to go back and do photo books for 2003-2007. We started doing the Apple books last year. It would be nice to have the series complete for the years that the kids are around.

4. Decorate the house more. We need to update pictures of the kids and put artwork up on the bare walls. I want more tables/bookshelves to display and store things better. Our house has minimal wall space, so the opportunity for tables and flat surfaces is somewhat limited.

5. Enjoy free time more – set targets and work to get them done, but thoroughly check and have fun during the other time. I have spent most of my time catching up (RSS, emails, laundry, etc.). I need to carve out time for relaxing and enjoying family time more. We played Clue yesterday, and we had a blast. I need to ensure that those times continue even after I get back into work mode.

So, that sums up my goals; I will check back on the progress. It will be a very good year, and hopefully, I will be in a better place at the start of 2011 to take on the goals I have been struggling with the last few years.

Virginia Pictures

I’ve posted pictures from our Virginia  trip this year.  I wish I had more to write but I’ll start with these snapshots.  It was an amazing trip.  The kids had a blast.

Crunch Time

It’s the end of October and we will soon be overwhelmed. Here’s how it stacks up:

October 31st – Halloween
November 5th – Owen’s birthday
November 8th – Owen’s friend’s party
November 10th – Ariel’s 17th birthday
November 16th? – Combined family birthday party
November 20th – Wedding Anniversary
November 27th – Thanksgiving
December 1st – Alex’s birthday
December 6th? – Alex’s friend’s party
December 21st-28th – Hanukkah
December 25th – Christmas
December 31st – New Year’s – last event!

There will be a Holiday Program, other holiday parties (Mark’s), school visits (on the quest for the perfect 1st-grade spot for Alex), cookie-making day, tree decorating, and shopping.

I guess we can take a break in 2009.

South Dakota

We’ve been back for a week. The kids loved South Dakota. I’m pretty sure that their overall favorite part of the trip was the swimming pools at the hotel.

Here are some of the highlights:

  • Our GPS logging our trip — top speeds, elevation, miles to the next destination. We always had an answer for the kids when they asked how much longer we would be driving.
  • Driving through Bear Country following a car with a banana on its roof. Apparently, the bears have no interest in food.
  • Total darkness in Crystal Cave in Rapid City. We never knew that you would lose your site if you had no source of light for 3 weeks.
  • Petting farm is always a favorite of the kids. The pig race was nutty — the pigs went a lot faster than I expected. There was kool-aid at the end for them.
  • The GPS has no fear of narrow, windy, very high roads.
  • The Buffalo (or Beefalo as my family calls them) in Custer State Park was amazing. We were lucky to get to see a group of them in and around the road we were on. Bummed that our video camera was in the trunk (we ended up there after we overthought the GPS directions).
  • Crazy Horse is huge and the fact that they don’t accept government funding is very cool and definitely worth supporting.
  • The drives were gorgeous.
  • Wall drug was bigger then we thought and not super cheesy but we are partial to nickel coffee.
  • The oddest question is when we were in Sturgis looking for a place for lunch, one salesperson in a store said “that’s tough since you don’t want your kids around liquor” – omg, these kids have WI blood in them, this is not an issue for our family.
  • It was shocking our conservative South Dakota is. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that many Anti-Abortion billboards in one place. It was the picture of W in the workout room in a hotel in Sioux Falls that creeped me out. Thank God for the lesbian couple sighting at Mt. Rushmore – it grounded me.
  • The walk around Rushmore was gorgeous although a big challenging for the kids.
  • Adam discovered the car door was not all the way locked when the keys were inside. Sadly, he discovered this after he call the Volvo Roadside Assistance people.
  • There seems to be no veggies in South Dakota.
  • Indian Tacos at Cheyenne Crossing were by far the best food on the trip.
  • By far the nicest people we’ve encountered on our travels.

Family Highlights/Observations:

  • The kids did perfect in the car. We used our friends suggestion of activity bags and we added headphones for music. There was absolutely no need for DVD players for them.
  • The pools in the hotel were critical for them. Gave them a chance to exercise after long days driving.
  • We packed lunchboxes with snacks for them. Since Owen is a snacker, this was the only way that we could make sure that he ate something on the trip. Eating is not a skill for him, snacking is.
  • We had rooms with a separate bedroom – this was perfect for the post-kid cocktails.
  • Internet in Sioux Falls was not the greatest but since I’ve switched over to RSS feeds instead of going to the sites, it was manageable.
  • We did not take enough pictures. It?s challenging with 2 kids though.
  • Owen used this trip as an opportunity to work on his potty training. It went well except that sheer amount of time spent in the various restrooms.
  • Alex went days living on chicken nuggets and fries. That was a lot more than Owen ate.
  • Breakfast at the hotels were crowded but served the need very well.
  • We bought Owen’s t-shirt at Empire Mall in Sioux Falls. The kid never asks for anything.

It was a great trip!

Here are some pictures : 2008 South Dakota Pictures

Out and About Drinking Martinis

For the past week or so, I?ve been able to have the kid coverage to go out and have a few martinis. Last Thursday, I went to The View in Minneapolis with my friend Holly. I had a lemon pear martini that was not on the menu. It was pretty good but the lemon seemed to overpower the pear. On Friday, Adam and I went to The Chambers and had a Thyme Vodka Lemonade (or something close to that name). That was a great drink. The first one we ordered we had in a highball with lots of ice. We ordered the next one straight up. It was very good both ways. You know when you talk about it the next day, it must be pretty good.

Adam and I have cocktail hour at home once the kids go to bed. We have been in a rut lately so we brought out one of our cocktail books. That has certainly helped to jazz up our ?at home date.? We?ve had Lady of Leisure which was a gin and chambord drink. Last night we had Sex on The Dunes. We actually cracked out the unopened bottle of peach schnapps for that one. All in all, it?s been a good week for waking up the tastebuds.

Uptown Night

We were in Go Home a few nights ago One of our favorite stores. Every time we are in Uptown without kids we spend quite a bit of time there. Last night?s acquisition was a weeble bottle opener. Now we need to have screen porch time this Friday or at least sometime soon.

Uptown lost Campiello recently. That was news to us. Too many cool places have bit the dust since the cloud of what will happen with Calhoun Square. I miss Borders, I miss Beezwax. And I actually miss The Smiling Moose. Even the Gap was the loss despite being a chain.

We went to Barbette on the same night. Done with that place for awhile – atmosphere much better than drinks. We finished the night at Zeno. Either they just added liquor or we missed it before. Great drinks — Adam had a Not So Classic Cosmo — we both loved it. I had the Coast to Coast — it was good but not like Adam?s. The waiter talked us into a drink that wasn?t on the menu. How could you not order it? It was gin, orange juice, pom and sugar. I might be missing something in there but it was amazing. I?m wanting to get back soon to have that one again.

We still contend that if Lucias or the Uptown Bar vacate, we will need to seriously consider our decision to live here. We are not here because of the stellar schools. But with Zeno?s new drinks and Go Home — it?s not a bad place to live.

Saturday Morning – 6/21/08

It?s June 21st and I still haven?t planted anything in the yard. May was cold. June started out with a nasty stomach bug and storms. Now I need to just get down to getting this one task done this weekend. Alex has swimming and a birthday party today. We are also getting a roof estimate. Somewhere in all that I need to go to the garden place and see what is left. Beggars cannot be choosers. Meanwhile all Owen wants to do is play in the basement. Eventually we need to be outside. Tomorrow, Craiger and the rents are coming over to help with the monster A/C for the living room. I?m liking no A/C. I hate the fake air. I say that in June. Let?s see what the story is in August.

Owen is on the sit and spin now. That is a classic toy only today?s version has music and lights. Lord forbid that kids play with only one stimulation. Let?s try to develop all senses at the same time. Feeling bad for Autistic kids with today?s toys….

Owen started visiting preschool this week and loves it. He?s in the same class as Alex. And now we found out that Alex has been accepted into half day kindergarten in Edina just to complicate matters. I had no idea that kindergarten could create this much stress. Makes work stress seem minor in comparison.

We?ve been in our house 7 years now. Last night we were looking at old pictures and it?s amazing how much we have done with the house over the years. Probably not a lot compared to most people but considering we have 2 small kids, not bad. Of course, now we have entered the phase of the kids breaking the house. And when I say kids, I really mean Owen. Boys are very, very different than girls.

I feel like I have at most 3 hours a week of downtime (taking out kid time, house time, laundry time, and work). Maybe I should start capturing metrics so I can see where my time is going. Probably pointless but might be telling. Hmmm… must ponder if I can do actually do that. I should also do the same activity with $$$.

Updated Family Picture


Switching Over to the Mac

After 2 Windows systems have turned on me, I meandered into the Apple store and switched teams, for home anyway. So far pretty darn happy. I?m looking forward to actually doing something with the video that we have in boxes. That?s my goal and now I have the tools to actually deliver.