Author Archives: angie

Pros and Cons of Happy Hour Size

  • 1 — Sometimes you just need a beer (this counts if it is at home — self-contained happy hour)
  • 2 — Really good for meaningful conversations
  • 3 — really good with a round table, awkward at rectangle table — looks like a firing line
  • 4 to 6 — good number, small enough for decent conversation but not easy to break away from conversation if you aren’t interested in the main discussion
  • 8 to 12 — difficult to have one conversation and prone to conversation envy based on where you are sitting
  • 12 or more — location issues based on seating but more flexibility moving around the group for side conversations if there are people standing


Book Quoting vs. Book Throwing

Alex quotes books in much the same way that Adam and I quote TV shows.  She has a talent for memorizing the words and working them into her day.  This especially holds true for a book about rules:  “No Biting.  What can you bite?  An Apple.”  Such a great book (No Biting! by Karen Katz) for ilustrating the judgement of behavioral decisions.  So armed with my book, I have a quick fix for Owen’s pinching of my face.  I would read the book of some general rules to the little pincher and he would learn right and wrong much like Alex did.  I read 2 words of the book and he took the book and threw it across the room.  Point taken.

Phone Thought

I’m starting to think that it would be nice to have text messaging on home phones (landlines).  It would be useful for quick messages that don’t need any security (can be read by anyone).  It would also be very beneficial if the person is on the phone and does not have multiple lines.  But, I haven’t looked into this at all — it’s probably not a new concept.