Tag Archives: Kids

4th Grade Family Night

Ate through the cafe
And browsed binders and sculptures
Speeches and then songs

Bermuda Triangle House

The iPod was near
But hidden watching just like
The cat as he cried

Time Without Kids

Our house was quiet
Merely a pitstop until
We brought back the kids

Motivated Cook

She was ten and cooked
Cookies, cornbread and hot dish
Avoiding homework?

The Grande Machine

At the record store
Our kids saw their first rock band
They shielded their ears

Chore Evolution

Kids clear the table
While parents sit and catch up
Good phase to be in


Her mind on homework
Book Club popped up to taunt her
Her timeline fought back

Piano Recital

Nerves glued to her as
She stepped in the bar mindful
Her turn was looming

Shopping Milestone

They met at age two
At ten, they shop the mall’s stores
Without their parents

Ride Evolution

Times have changed for them
Merry go round fears switched to
Roller coaster thrills